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Flauta Bísel Hohner Melody 9508

  • Tonalidade: C
  • Material: ABS
  • Dedilhação: Alemã

Nuvo – Flauta Estudante

The Student Flute kit includes the straight head joint with adjustable cork, standard and Firstnote lip plate, main body with silicone comfort pads, C foot joint plus accessories, o-ring grease and carry case. The NUVO Student Flute has completely standard fingering and performance so it can be used for examinations, performances and in band classes just like a regular silver flute.

Pífaro Yamaha YRF-21//ID Fife

Com uma dedilhação fácil e uma construção super leve, a YRF-21 é a escolha perfeita para o início da aprendizagem musical.